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Home  >  Invitations  >  S120    
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        Weight: 350 (in Grams)
13.5 US$
Currency :
Size: Scroll:12x8.5,Silver B.:13x1.5x1.5 Box:14x2.5x2.25 (in Inches)
Paper: Blue colored velvet for Scroll with silver support bars and silver tassel, silver and gold metal case, gold & silver colored embossed paper for covering the container box and silver colored embossed texture design ground over natural shade – white for envelope (200gsm)
Description: This superbly designed scroll card can be called the king of all scrolls. The scroll is in blue velvet with silver bars and tassel. The scroll gets inside the gold and silver combination metal case with exquisite engraving work. This then is contained in a gold and silver box with the covering having bold floral motifs in embossing. The bronze envelope consumes it all for a perfectly packaged surprise for you.
Production Time (Days):
Regular:  6 to 10  Rush: 2 to 3
Add on card paper will be matching to chosen card in terms of paper and design. These are computer generated pictures for reference only.
RSVP Envelope
RSVP Card Inside Envelope With Peel Off Self Sealing
Thank You Card
Thank You Envelope
Thank You Card Inside Envelope With Peel Off Self Sealing
Sweet Box
Place Card
Menu card
Carry Bag
Money Envelope
Programme Book
Color Variation (This card is available in 7 more colors.) View All Colors...
Client Testimonials   read more..
Hi there, It is to let you know that we have received our cards and they are perfect! Thank you so much

Dated : 23/07/2014
Thank you very much.
I have received the package. Your service has been exceptional. And I will definitely be ordering my invites from you.
Thanks again

Hajira Joosub
South Africa
Dated : 09/28/2009
Good morning I want to confirm you that yesterday morning I received the order. I am very satisfacted , invitation cards are very beautiful, the velvet, the color and the print are like we desired. You worked very fast and very seriuosly and I would like to write a good feedback on your web site. Thank you again

Dated : 09/01/2018
Thank you very much - I have received your parcel. I will contemplate on the invitations and get back to you soon. Again,

Thank you very much for your prompt service.

David Barthwell
Dated : 06/01/2006
Good afternoon
Thank you for the wedding cards. They were excellent and all our guests were mesmerized and bewildered with such a beautiful card. Most importantly both the groom and we were very satisfied with the result and prompt service.

Dated : 06/6/2010
Code: S120
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