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        Weight: 190 (in Grams)
7 US$
Currency :
Size: Scroll: 11x8.5, Box: 12.25x4.75x0.65+ Mailing Envelope (in Inches)
Production Time (Days):
Regular:  6 to 10  Rush: 2 to 3
Add on card paper will be matching to chosen card in terms of paper and design. These are computer generated pictures for reference only.
RSVP Envelope
RSVP Card Inside Envelope With Peel Off Self Sealing
Thank You Card
Thank You Envelope
Thank You Card Inside Envelope With Peel Off Self Sealing
Sweet Box
Place Card
Menu card
Carry Bag
Money Envelope
Programme Book
Color Variation (This card is available in 6 more colors.) View All Colors...
Client Testimonials   read more..
I would just like to thank you once again for providing us with the most amazing scroll wedding invitations that we could have ever dreamed of. We only delivered the invitations to our guests last night and since then we have received so many text messages, e-mails and phone calls to say how amazingly different and luxurious they are. One comment said I think that this is going to be the Wedding of the Year after seeing the invitations. I have never ever known anyone ever comment after receiving a wedding invitation other than to accept or decline. Everyone of our guests has passed on the nicest comments so I just wanted to thank you again as this wouldn t have been possible without you and your team.
Thank you once again

Nicola Frain
United Kingdom
Dated : 08/21/2008
Hi, I apologise it has taken so long for me to contact you. As you can imagine it has been a very busy few weeks getting out all the invitations. I have to say your service was extraordinary. The fact that you had delivered all the cards by Friday even though I only paid on Monday is amazing. I was genuinely impressed by this. Throughout the whole process from quoting a price to proofing your company was very helpful. The only small issue I had is that you split the whole order in to two so I had to pay a customs charge twice. However this is a minor fault. Overall I was thoroughly impressed by the service and would not hesitate to recommend you to others. Many Thanks

United Kingdom
Dated : 07/26/2013
everything went great i think. we got the cards earlier then we thought too. i will recommend you guys always. thanks.

Ronnie Singh
Dated : 3/27/2010
Hi! We get our parcel about week ago and we are very very happy our invitations and we are planned to order placecards and others from you guys!! Thank you!!

Dated : 30/06/2014
Thank You Very MUCH

Ali Abden
London, E1 8LR
Dated : 07/06/2006
Code: S1239
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