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Sikh Program Book - Style 6
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  The first part of the ceremony starts outside of the Gurdwara (Sikh place of worship).

  The two families exchange flower garlands to formalize the bonding of the two sides.

  Tea and refreshments in the Langar (meal) hall will follow.


Entering the Gurdwara

  Before entering the Gurdwara, everyone is required to take their shoes off and cover their heads. Scarves are provided for those who have no head covering.

  Sikhs pay homage to the Sri Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh Scriptures) by bowing.

  Men sit to the right and women to the left of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib

The Ardas

  For the Ardas (prayer), Jamie, Harprit and their parents will stand  while the rest of the sangat (congregation) remains seated

  The Ardas indicates the consent of Jamie and Harprit and their families to this marriage and asks for God’s blessings.

  Ardas is followed by the Ragi (Priest) giving sermon on the significance of marriage and the couple’s duties and obligations to each other as equal partners.

                                                     Palla Ceremony

  After the sermon, the Jamie’s father places one end of a palla (scarf) in the Harprit’s hand, passing it over the shoulder and placing the other end in Jamie’s hand.

  The Palla Ceremony is followed by a short hymn, Keeta Loree-ai Kam which marks the beginning of the wedding ceremony.

  Next is the reading of the Lavan, a passage from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib.

Keeta Loree-ai Kam

  Whatever work you want to accomplish - tell it to the Lord. He will resolve your affairs - the True Guru gives his guarantee of Truth. In the Society of Saints, taste the Treasure of Amrit, the Ambrosial Nectar. The Lord is the Merciful Destroyer of fear. He preserves and protects his followers. O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and see the Unseen Lord God. Praise and slander, O Nanak, are totally banished. I have totally abandoned and forsaken all other affairs. I have seen that all other relations are false. Now, I am attached to you, Lord.”



 The Lavan define the ultimate spiritual ideals of marriage and instruct the couple in reaching them by meditation on God and singing his praises. The Lavan are read in quartets, or Lavs.

  After each Lav is read, Jamie and Harprit rise and circle the Sri Guru Granth Sahib while the Ragis sing the Lav.

  At the end of each round, the couple bow their heads to Sri Guru Granth Sahib in conscious acceptance of each Lav.

The Four Lavs

  The first verse emphasizes the performance of duty to the family and the community.

  The second verse refers to the stage of yearning and love for each other.

  The third verse refers to the stage of detachment or Virag.

·         The fourth verse refers to the final stage of harmony and union in married life during which human love blends into the love for God.

 Karah Prashad and Guru Ka Langar

  After the Lavan are completed, the Anand Sahib (song of Bliss) is sung and the Ragi performing the marriage offers prayers of thanksgiving in which the whole congregation joins.

  Lastly, Karah Prashad (a sweet pudding) is distributed to the congregation which is accepted with both hands  and everyone congratulates the couple.

  The congregation is then invited to share Guru Ka Langar
(a vegetarian Sikh meal) in the Langar Hall.


Thank you

The Gahunia and Mukundan Families thank you for joining them in this joyous occasion.













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